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hear the sounds

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about madhu

Madhu Anziani is a ceremonial musician, looping artist, sound healer, chanter, diviner, and sanctioned teacher of the Pachakuti Mesa Tradition of Cross-Cultural Peruvian Healing Arts. 

After a spinal cord injury that left him quadriplegic, Madhu used sound, Reiki, and his voice as primary means to reverse his condition.  He now offers the deeply healing modalities of sound, divination and ceremony to communities around the world. 



Do you want to stand within the power of vibration?


One-on-One mentorship is designed to activate and empower your voice, your purpose, and a sense of connection to the greater whole.  I will be your ally and guide through each step of your journey.


"Madhu was for me much more than an anchor for my feelings, but the very thread to sew together years of scattered practice into on cohesive lesson of self love and purpose."

"Madhu has inspired in me tear-filled understanding of the simple interconnection of all things 


stick divination

Through divination we heal our connections with ancestors and loved ones, restore balance and harmony with Earth and the elements, and open the way for us to fulfill our highest purpose in this life.

Pachakuti Mesa Apprenticeship

Madhu offers in-person 5-part (year long) apprenticeships in the Ancestral Peruvian Healing Arts.  Learn the ways of sacred reciprocity, ritual, and curandersimo through the lens of the Andean Cosmovision.

Follow madhu

Become a Patreon supporter to help fund my creations as a musician and receive the newest videos, live sets, and recordings as soon as they are released.

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